Procurement planning for 2023 Tech solutions enable and cost transparency, are key to helping shippers evolve their procurement strategies. access to capacity and Shippers can also benefit from using platforms dynamic procurement that provide real-time pricing quotes, help them competitively source capacity using APIs, and seamlessly carry out shipments. Additionally, the ability to place parameters on pricing and make adjustments to pricing priority for specific loads Opting to use marketplaces with on-the-spot will help shippers achieve the best business access to capacity and services to manage and outcomes. execute procurement inherently leads to more agility. But shippers have been slow to adopt While traditional brokerage services might not be modern tactics due to factors like the cost of equipped to keep up with market shifts, instant technology, complexities of integration and and real-time solutions help shippers navigate commitment to legacy strategies. procurement as efficiently as possible, no matter the state of the market. New research, however, points to a gradual uptick in adoption of instant pricing and sourcing When the market is tight, shippers are still capabilities among shippers in response to able to operate efficiently by automatically supply chain challenges and a competitive 96% sourcing capacity and having access to a vast freight market. A 2022 survey of logistics leaders of shippers have carrier network—which they wouldn’t get from found that 96% of shippers have invested in invested in new traditional brokers—that drives competition for new technology and strategies to power freight freight procurement their freight loads. And when the market is soft, procurement performance because of the technology and shippers can take advantage of decreasing pandemic, while 66% said that automating strategies during the rates by easily sourcing carriers in their procurement has become a high priority. pandemic marketplace network instead of taking tedious SOURCE: approaches like RFPs. This type of versatility will SLEEK TECHNOLOGIES be especially important for shippers to develop Marketplaces that offer immediate access to capacity through an expansive network of truck now in order to navigate potential market drivers, and also enable real-time procurement disruption in the future. 4

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