Procurement planning for 2023 Prioritizing segmentation will augment Shippers that focus on enhancing their bid data with robust classification (lane, customer a flexible approach to procurement and carrier) and performance data (network, lane, customer and carrier KPIs)—which can be accomplished internally and with the help of a third-party logistics partner—within their portfolio will ultimately have better knowledge of their Not all carriers are created equally, and this is where network requirements and more options in their segmentation comes is important to an agile procurement procurement transportation scenarios, which will strategy. The more granular shippers get with defining inform their future bid strategy. And segmentation the different modes of transport available, as well as Segmentation is ultimately anchored by a flexible and creative their customer and carrier types, the more tactical their helps shippers arm approach to procurement—one that is rooted in themselves with procurement process becomes. knowledge on adaptation, where shippers are in tune with how the transportation the market fluctuates, how those changes impact Factors like lanes, volumes and service requirements can factors that require customer needs and operational needs, and how entail a different carrier type, and establishing what works certain carriers—and specific procurement types will perform under best for each scenario leads to a more performance-driven this knowledge is certain conditions. critical to support an strategy. For example, based on the attributes of their load, a agile and digitized shipper determines they need to use drop-and-hook freight. procurement Overall, the ability to skillfully navigate future market In this case, securing an asset-based carrier that owns their approach. disruption will depend on shippers’ willingness to equipment, via contract procurement, would be the best embrace more instant procurement solutions and decision to ensure efficient transport. to use any procurement type when necessary. By collaborating with trusted partners that can prove In another scenario for when the market is tight, shippers could the effectiveness of modern approaches such as have a plan in place to deploy dedicated procurement where automated bidding, access to market benchmarks truck assets such as equipment and drivers are provided to and industry best practices—and that can support them. Opting for a dedicated fleet would provide shippers with a strategy where all procurement types are more control over their shipments, from being able to customize available to use efficiently—shippers will establish a their equipment to having guaranteed capacity and full visibility foundation for a more agile procurement process into shipping operations. in 2023 and beyond. 6

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